These are some of the main characters from the Cosmic Chaos series.

As to in this Cosmic Chaos series, readers and listeners are introduced to an eclectic cast of characters that navigate the bewildering realms of the cosmos as to at the forefront of their characters there is Febarosa, a fierce warrior with a mysterious past. Alongside her is Cancerfie Murodus with also her own mysteries and backstories, as to these are some of the many character stories and mysteries that will be sure to come bridging the gap between the known and the unknown. Together, these characters as to many other characters will have to embark on a journey filled with cosmic wonders and terrors, each facing with their own internal struggles while dealing and confronting with external threats as to they will traverse through many many different battles against the enemy and themselves as to unknown forces and paths will intertwine, revealing the profound connections between honour and sacrifice that will either bind them all together or just completely rip them all apart in this epic tale of adventure and terror. The Cosmic Chaos series promises a thrilling exploration of friendship, courage, and the complexities of existence.


Formally a member of the sisters of blades, a secret sisterhood and organization of highly trained ninja assassins serving their clients and themselves, they were defeated by the Kalax military and were disbanded and the remaining members were given the choice to either go to prison or to be indoctrinated into their forces, all members reluctantly agreed to be indoctrinated.


A tuff and rebellious person she got into trouble with the law many times and with not much of an education saw the military as almost the only option. Unbeknown to her that she would fit into military life, so much to the point were she was considered for special forces training but when the crisis hit she was put into the enhanced human program instead.

Cancerfie Murodus

A descendant of General Murodus who wants to redeem her family's name through serving in the Kalax military as her family was a proud military family once before the war and her ancestor destroyed her families legacy and wants to restore her families name. She does so by continually serving heroically in combat continually putting herself in harm's way quickly getting herself recognized by her fellow soldiers and her commanding officers and earning herself the nicknames the selfless one and the woman without fear. Was recommended by her commanding officers for the enhanced human program.


Formally a sports athlete and was blackmailed into ending his career for wrongfully being convicted of drugs and illegal weapons possession was given the same choice to either go to prison or join the military.


Was brought up in a strict family where honour and success are some of the biggest things that his family values. Not wanting to disappoint his family he figures joining the military will gain him great honour and success which it does but through serving in combat learning quickly that honouring his family was not important but honouring his fellow soldiers by fighting with them and watching their backs which will bring him the greatest honour of them all, this bravery and devotion quickly gets him noticed by his commanding officers and is recommended for the enhanced human program.

Major A.K.A The Major

Almost nothing is known about The Major due to the fact that he suffers with total amnesia and has no memories of who he is and where he comes from, what little is known about him is that he is sublimimally acting out some of what he did before the amnesia even took place such as highly trained combat skills, hand to hand combat and weapons tactics suggesting that he may be some sort of military officer so The Kalax scientists recommended indoctrinating him into The Kalax military to see if being in a military environment and being in combat would trigger memories.

The Six are the surviving members of The Sixteen that all thought against The Warp in the great cosmic war. They are not a group of superheroes but are a unit of enhanced humans that were created by the enhanced human program and are considered to be a unit of elite super soldiers.

The Six

General Francis Phillip's

Is the head of The Kalax military and is the one who sanctioned the enhanced human project and the reactivation of the artificial intelligence project. Creating a cosmic alliance and stopping The Warp is his highest objective.

Professor Olivia Ortengus

Write your text herIs the leading head scientist of The Kalax military and is 1 of 5 scientists who created the enhanced human program, she is also the person to have created an artificial intelligence named Hope for The Kalax military with an almost limitless intelligence level and split-second decision-making, the project was scrapped due to the fact of it being too dangerous but the project was reactivated due to the cosmic imminent threat against The Warp, they believe that an artificial intelligence with no emotions and a genius level intellect will be a great asset and weapon for The Alliance in the great cosmic war against The Warp.

The Leader Of Kalax A.K.A President Rigel Colgar.

Is the elected leader of Kalax, in command of all of the Kalax governments and responsible for the protection of Kalax he figures the best way to do so is to create a cosmic alliance where everyone will have a better chance of fighting against The Warp, so he entrusted this great task to General Francis Phillips.

The Leader Of The Alliance

The leader of planet Tyfornus (The most technically advanced planet in the known cosmos) managed to persuade most of the galactic governments to appoint the leader of The Alliance to be the leader of the alliance due to the fact that the leader of the alliance is ex alien special forces and is now a politician and due to that he will have complete jurisdiction and authority over all of the great cosmic war and Alliance Governments and Militaries during the great cosmic war and that Kalax will be second of command of The war as a backup to the alliance and will be granted emergency powers if needed to be given. The leader of the alliance will be in charge with the responsibilities of stopping and defeating The Warp.

Explore The Characters Of The Sci-Fi Horror Cosmic Chaos Series.

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Unravel The Mysteries Of The Cosmos
Meet Our Fearsome Heroes And Complex Characters

Join us as we explore the depths of imagination, showcasing characters that embody courage, fear, and resilience in this thrilling sci-fi horror action comedy adventure as each character will shock and amaze you bringing a uniqueness and perspective to this sci fi genre.